Consent Forms

  • HIPAA Policy

    This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully and keep it for your records

  • HIPAA Privacy Practice

    Acknowledgement that you have received our HIPAA privacy notice

  • Acknowledgement & Assumption of Risk

    This form states you understand participation is voluntary and you assume all risks

  • Child Intake Form

    This is a patient history form. Please complete it in its entirety before returning to therapist

  • Communication Preference Form

    It is important for us to understand your preferred method of receiving and communicating medical and administrative information pertaining to your therapy

  • Consent for Exchange of Information

    If you have a physician, a previous SLP or a school SLP, an OT, a PT, a teacher, or anyone else who works with your child that would be beneficial for us to speak to, please add their information to this form

  • Prompt Pay Method

    Informational form regarding our Prompt Pay Method. Please print and keep for your own records

  • Consent for Services

    In order to receive therapy, you must sign the consent for services form indicating your consent

  • Credit Card Authorization

    This form should be completed if we will be billing your Medicaid-see form for details. If you you are using our private pay option and plan to pay online, you do not need to complete this form

  • Photo Release

    Photos and videos may be taken during sessions. This form indicates your preference on photos/videos

  • Superbill Handout

    This form is for your information regarding Superbills. Please print it and keep it for your records

  • General Acknowledgment of Forms

    This form indicates you received and signed all other forms provided

  • No Show/Cancellation Policy

    This document details our No Show/Cancellation policy and must be signed prior to start of services

  • Insurance Guarantor Information

    If your child is insured by a private insurance company, (any insurance other than Medicaid), please complete this form in its entirety